Monday, March 30, 2009
What I'm Not and Who I Am
I'm not materialistic... All I will ever want is your love and your love only. You make me happy and nothing else.
I'm not greedy... I don't need money to make me happy. I don't care what someone wants to give me.
I'm not a liar... I feel no need in deceiving you to make you believe I love you when I don't. Everything I say and do is true.
I don't need anyone else... No girl will ever be as amazing as you. You, Giovanna, are the greatest thing to ever happen to me and I am truly grateful to have a wonderful girl like you.
I'm not going anywhere... I'm here to stay.
I love you, forever and ever and a day
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Top 10 best fans in sports
I can't sleep
I'm simply not leaving, baby. I promise. I can't lay there on the couch and let my phone die and I can't lay in my bed in my room because my room mate is already sleeping. I do the only thing I can do and that's repeat the same ritual every night.
See, I can't sleep if I don't hear you say good night or I love you. It just doesn't feel complete. Would we honestly end every night like that? Just laying in bed and staring at each other to wait for each other to fall asleep? No. We would look into each other's eyes and say: "Goodnight, I love you, *kiss*, bye."
If I travel all my life
And I never get to stop and settle down
Long as I have you by my side
There's a roof above and good walls all around
You're my castle, you're my cabin and my instant pleasure dome
I need you in my house 'cause you're my home.
-Billy Joel
Oh I sleep just to dream her
I beg the night just to see her
That my only love should be her
Just to lie in her arms
-Dave Matthews
'Cause I am barely breathing
And I can't find the air
I don't know who I'm kidding
Imagining you care
And I could stand here waiting
A fool for another day
But I don't suppose it's worth the price, worth the price
The price that I would pay
-Duncan Sheik
'Cause I can't breathe when you talk to me
I can't breathe when you're touchin' me
I suffocate when you're away from me
So much love you take from me
I'm going outta my mind
-J. Holiday
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Irony, hyprocrisy, and other bullshit
It's funny. For the past 6 1/2 months, I was scared that everything you said was true, that when you go out with other guys, it would surely be the end. Then after a long night of not knowing what you were up to or a short time period where you're with someone else, hanging out, you would get on me for being worried. You would ask me "would I really do that to you?"
Yea you would. Because for once I finally realized that you wouldn't hurt me and that you wouldn't betray me. Well like all the other times where I doubted you, I was wrong. You did. You are a hypocrite. You never trust me. You always accuse me of doing the bull shit you have had done to you in the past. You make me seem like the bad guy, the guy who would break your heart because he didn't care. Well you are wrong. You are the only thing that truly matters to me and I would never let anything get in between that.
It's so ironic too. I trusted you. I surely thought that when he came over, you would be loyal to me. You would know where your heart truly is. But no it wasn't. Your heart wasn't there. It walked out on me and went to him for the moment. How do I know this was the only time? I don't! I'm hurt. You hurt me. Your favorite saying is "once a cheater, always a cheater," yet "it doesn't matter what happened in your past because I want you in my present and in my future." Hmmm a bit hypocritical huh? I sure think so.
What scares me even more is you know I will forgive you because I truly will. I am forgiving you but will you take this mistake and let it go or will it actually change you? If you love me like you say you do, then you will be scared out of your mind to lose me. I'm calling you out.
I love you. Do you love me?