Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Grammy's

I am fucking fed up with the Grammys. First off, I only watched them to see the tribute for LeRoi Moore in the deceased artists tribute. Guess what? They didn't fucking mention him. He won a fucking Grammy back in 1996 but it's OK. Go ahead and suck the dicks of Lil' Wayne, Justin Timberlake, and Coldplay: a group of people with half the talent of Roi combined.

Speaking of Lil' Wayne. I don't want to knock on him. He has a lot of class and I have a lot of respect for him as an artist. I wish his rock album project good luck in competing with DMB's new album. I do believe he got shafted in album of the year, losing to Robert Plant and Allison Kraus but at least it wasn't Coldplay.

So on to the performances. I thought most of them were great. Some not so much. TI, MIA and whoever were good but that bitch is pregnant and should no way be in public view. Paul McCartney was awesome, especially having Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters play drums for him. Robert Plant and Kraus were OK. I think Kraus sucks hence why it didn't deserve to win album of the year. BB King, John Mayer, Keith Urban, and I think that was Buddy Guy (not an expert on what these great blues guitarists look like) did an amazing jam. Neyo and Jamie Foxx sang with Smokey Robinson and another guy of the 4 Tops and did two of their hits and were phenomenal. Neyo's voice is excellent in my opinion. Justin Timberlake was actually pretty good and I'll give him credit. Not a fan but he was good. U2 sucks.

Now tot he highlight of the show, at least for me. Blink 182 reunited to give an award and guess the fuck what. THEY'RE BACK!!

I'm still sore about Roi being forgotten and my girl friend is still pissed about Lil' Wayne. Whatever. It happens. Fuck politics!

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